The Diocesan Commission on Ministry met, and has decided on a course of study. My education thus far has been largely self-guided, using recommendations from our Bishop. I hope to begin a more structured educational process now.
The challenge for the Bishop and the Commission is in how to handle an old fart candidate like myself. If I were younger, a degree followed by seminary training would be the natural course. If my kids were older or out of the house (which would be the case for many men my age) then seminary work in the evenings would work. In my case, with my home school schedule during the days, and work (as unprofitable as that has been this last year) in the evenings and at night, time for formal schooling is limited - not to mention the costs, which would be prohibitive at this time.
Since I am a candidate only for the deaconate, my educational requirements will not be as strict as they would be for someone going on to the priesthood. Still, the Bishop and the Commission want to make sure that their clergy are properly formed, and in light of some past ordinations I think it wise.
It is a bit frustrating, but I doubt God would have given me a calling without also providing a way for me to fulfill His calling. It will happen at the time He chooses, not on my schedule.
3 days ago
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