My neighbors belong to a very liberal Roman Catholic parish; one in which, evidently, Speaker of the House Pelosi attended Mass during the Democrat convention. I don't know if she received communion.
But I do wonder how, or if, the priest addressed the issue. I assume he would know she was coming, considering the Secret Service detail that accompanies her, which would not allow her to go into a situation that may be dangerous. The priest would likely have advance notice.
So, considering Bishop Chaput has stated in no uncertain terms his views in this case, and considering that Speaker Pelosi expects reception of the Sacrament regardless of her pro-abortion votes (based on statements she's made elsewhere), I wonder what the priest did?
This question of obedience is crucial to any hierarchical church, and a lack of obedience can tear a church apart. Our Parish was torn almost in two when a Deacon arrogantly decided he knew better than his Rector and his Bishop.
For Ms. Pelosi to put this Parish priest in a position of having to decide between accommodating her personal desires or obeying his own oath of obedience to his Bishop is a measure of her ignorance and arrogance.
This is not a political blog, but when a politician seeks to instruct the faithful (incorrectly) and puts a priest in an untenable situation, I believe it is worthy of note.
3 days ago
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