31 August 2010

Seminary and Blogging

I've neglected this blog, as life has been too hectic for what seems to be a self indulgence. As my journey towards ordination accelerates, this may prove to be a good place to consolidate my thoughts.

My first course starts in September, just three days after my wife has major surgery. To prepare myself, I am reading the course material ahead of time. Between her care, getting the girls to school, and my job I will need a head start on the course work. I cannot afford a poor grade.

23 August 2010

Prayer Books suited for the Daily Offices

One challenge I face is reading (praying) my Daily Offices.  I do not easily form new habits, and the less convenient this habit is, the less likely my success.  Reading the Anglican Office involves a copy of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, the King James Version of the Holy Bible, and the Apocrypha.  Until recently, the essentials (my copies) were in three volumes.

Reasoning that if the Offices were in a single book I would be more likely to perform my duty, I began searching for alternatives. Some help from some learned friends on a Yahoo group, some help from my Rector, and finally some technological help have left me with no excuses!

Details to follow....