"A strong adversary is the culture in which we find ourselves. Of what are we accused? Watch television, see a movie – if there is a Christian, especially one of catholic or fundamentalist beliefs, or worse yet, a priest! – that Christian will normally be portrayed as bigoted, ignorant, narrow minded, hypocritical, even criminal. We can admit that some who call themselves Christians are all these things and more. We can also admit that at some time all Christians will fail in one or more of these areas.
Who would betray us? Those seemingly closest to us, as Judas was close to Jesus. During Passion week the Episcopal Divinity School at Cambridge selected a new dean. The Dr. Rev. Ragsdale will direct the education of the Episcopal Church’s seminarians. Why do I call this a betrayal? This woman is strongly pro-abortion; so much so, she actually called abortion a blessing, and said that abortion providers are engaged in holy work! Granted, this school has a mission of advancing “God's mission of justice, compassion, and reconciliation”. Odd there is no mention of faith, repentance, or salvation. Still, I cannot imagine a greater betrayal to the Church Militant, unless it is the relative silence that followed her appointment. Yes, we are separated from the Episcopal Church; but we must remember that, at least according to a certain lawyer acquaintance of mine, silence means assent."
Excerpted from the sermon preached at Saint Mary's Church ACC in Denver on Palm Sunday, 2009.
3 days ago