In one of his first acts as president, Barack Obama has signed an executive order lifting restrictions on foreign aid to abortions. Another executive order will lift restrictions for federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
I guess he found that deciding when a human being has rights is within his pay grade. It is a shame (although not surprising, considering the political dimensions of this decision) that he decided this one incorrectly. It is insulting that he did this as thousands upon thousands were marching for life in Washington. It is tragic that so many more babes in the womb will die for political expedience.
I wonder about all those Catholics and Evangelicals who voted for this man. Will their consciences bother them? I know all the "social justice" nonsense they presented - Obama will reduce abortions by... (list your favorite social program here). But there is no way around the reality that when you subsidize abortions, you get more abortions.
I just don't understand how one who professes faith in Christ can promote abortion, or support those who promote abortion. I am very sad that so many Catholics and Evangelicals have so little regard for life in the womb.
3 days ago